Invisalign/ Clear Aligners

Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign/ Clear Aligners

What are Invisalign/ Clear Aligners?

Invisalign/ Clear Aligners are a treatment that gently move teeth into place. The trays are worn in a series over time to create a beautiful smile. Invisalign/ Clear Aligners are a popular alternative to traditional braces, and do not have any brackets or wires. The aligners are discrete and are comfortable when worn, and do not cause any mouth or gum irritation.

The clear aligner trays are worn anywhere between 20-22 hours a day. The time worn each day depends on the patient’s treatment plan and the level of correction needed. Invisalign/ Clear Aligners are easily removable for drinking and eating, and have a blue indicator to let patients know when they have worn the trays for the required amount of tine each day. The blue indicator is great for teens using the clear aligners, and helps parents know if their child has worn the trays for the correct amount of time.

Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign/ Clear Aligners?

Having that beautiful straight smile is important, and we want our patients to be proud of their smile. A smile is the first thing you see, and our team will listen to each patient’s goals to ensure we get you the results you desire.

Invisalign/ Clear Aligners are a popular choice for both teens and adults. This treatment helps if you have overcrowding, chewing, or overbite issues. Older teens and adults can follow instructions daily and ensure the trays are worn for the required amount of time. On average this treatment takes between 6-18 months, and this is comparable to the treatment time for traditional braces. During our consultation process we will discuss each patient’s age, level of correction, and smile goals to help choose which orthodontic treatment is best.

No matter if you're contending with overcrowding, gaps, or misalignment, our team at Thompson Dental offers Invisalign® treatment options that pave the way to a straighter smile. Renowned as the premier Invisalign dentist in White Oak and Longview, TX, Dr. Thompson begin with a comprehensive Invisalign consultation. Throughout the process, we ensure you're well-informed and at ease, guiding you every step of the way.
Opt for Thompson Dental for your Invisalign braces, and enjoy a seamless combination of innovation and personalized care.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign/ Clear Aligners?

  • The clear aligner trays can be easily removed for eating and drinking.
  • There are fewer food restrictions compared to other treatments.
  • The clear aligners can be easily cleaned or rinsed.
  • The clear aligners are smooth and comfortable, and do not cause any gum or mouth irritation.
  • The clear aligners are easy to remove to play sports or a musical instrument.
  • This treatment builds confidence and improve self-esteem.
  • Clear aligners are a discrete treatment and have no brackets are wires.

If you or your family member is interested in finding out more about Invisalign/ Clear Aligners and how this treatment can benefit you, contact Thompson Dental and Fine Line Aesthetics to schedule your consultation.


  • Q: How long does Invisalign treatment take? A: The duration varies, typically spanning 12 to 18 months, depending on the complexity of the case and the consistent wearing of aligners.
  • Q: Is Invisalign treatment painful? A: Most patients experience minimal discomfort, especially during the transition to a new set of aligners, which usually subsides within a few days.
  • Q: Can I eat and drink while wearing Invisalign aligners? A: It's advisable to remove aligners while eating and drinking anything besides water to prevent staining and damage.
  • Q: How often do I need to wear my Invisalign aligners? A: For optimal results, wear aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily, only taking them out for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.
  • Q: Will Invisalign affect my speech? A: Some individuals may notice a slight lisp initially, but this typically fades as you get accustomed to wearing the aligners.
  • Q: How do I care for my Invisalign aligners? A: Utilize the Invisalign cleaning system to clean aligners daily with a soft brush and lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it can deform the plastic.
  • Q: What happens after Invisalign treatment? A: Most patients need to wear a retainer to preserve their new smile, initially full-time and later only at night.
  • Q: Where can I find Invisalign near me? A: At Thompson Dental, we offer Invisalign conveniently in White Oak, nestled next to Longview, TX.

For further inquiries or to embark on your Invisalign journey, schedule a consultation with our Invisalign specialists, and take the first stride towards a beautiful, confident smile.

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